
Vineeta Dhillon

Director, New Student & Parent Programs

Women in Maritime Leadership 

March 15th-16th, 2024  

Now approaching its 13th year, Cal Maritime's Women in Maritime Leadership Conference supports the success of women in the maritime industry. The 2024 conference will deliver an equity-focused leadership development curriculum specific to the goals of cadets and professional women in the maritime industry.

The WML Conference, established in 2012, focuses on fostering career development, authentic leadership, and networking opportunities for women in maritime and those supporting their success. Our annual conference is scheduled for Friday, March 15, and Saturday, March 16, 2024.

This year, we are excited to introduce a tailor-made program for high school students on Friday, March 15, offering a unique insight into college life and a glimpse into maritime as a potential future career.

The dynamic, equity-focused concurrent track will address the specific goals of students making decisions related to their college and career paths. The day at Cal Maritime will include informative sessions and a lunch on our training ship, providing valuable networking opportunities with current students, admitted students, and alumni.

For additional information about the Women in Maritime Leadership Conference, please visit

For updates and detailed information, contact Vineeta Dhillon at or 707-718-0707.
